Thursday, 20 January 2011

spring cleaning in full swing

My packing and discarding stuff at home is in full swing.

I gave some clothes, bags and shoes to my aunt who is selling them at bazaars to make ends meet. Just now, I drove over to her flat to deliver them. She was happy to see me. I am happy I can help her.

I have some stuff to sell. Click on left side "My Photos" or this link:

I feel it is a good practice (once a year) to touch up and make minor repairs in the apartment to welcome Chinese New Year. Otherwise, it will forever be left untouched because we Singaporeans will never find the time to do it.

My observation:
One big difference between the men of our father's time and the men today. The men today have university degrees (I am talking about specific people hurhurhur) but they do not know how to drill a picture hole, change light bulbs, toilet seats or do any simple plumbings at home. Whereas my father and my step-father knew how to make electrical and plumbing repairs. The olden days men take responsibilities for home defects without the women asking for help.

I change light bulbs and I do whatever touch up and repairs I can do because I can save cost by doing it myself. For me, I can't do some plumbings because I don't have the strength to tighten nuts, etc. Meng never bothers or seem oblivious to home defects. Two years ago, I made him do the first bulb change in his life and I taught him how to clear toilet chokes. Ben's room electrical sockets are faulty and when I asked Meng whether he can change them, he said, "Siao ah! You want me to kena "sort" by electricity ah! Get the electrician to do it!" BTW Meng is a triple E gradute, Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Same for my own youngest brother who is a mechatronic engineeer with a masters degree from imperial college, london. I have never seen him do any home repairs or change light bulbs.

Maybe my expectation of men is just not attainable anymore.

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